Thursday, March 18, 2010

Advice from Bruce Berkowitz

1. Follow your passion;
2. Find a good mentor;
3. Marry well!

Bruce Berkowitz is the manager of the Fairholme fund, a well known value investor. I recently read an article in Graham and Doddsville newsletter with Bruce and I found the following career/life advice from Bruce particularly insightful.

"The world is so competitive; you have to do what you like. There is no way you can go out for eight to 10 hours a day, five to seven days a week otherwise. It is impossible. You’d just kill yourself. It is also important to find a decent, successful person to mentor you. If you work with the right people and do what you like to do, the you’ve got it made. The work has to be in the category of a hobby. You would want to do it even if you weren’t getting paid for it. If you are lucky enough to find something, whatever it is, you should do it, because you will eventually achieve what you want to do. The best plumber in the world probably ends up owning the largest plumbing company in the world after just being a good plumber for a while. Those are the only two points I have been able to figure out so far. Also, it is important whom you marry. The right person will be beyond-words helpful and the wrong person will destroy everything in your life."

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